24 January 2012

Smitten, the intro...

MG Linnington, Alice Bell (my mom), ME, MAJ Tim Garland (MG Linnington's Aide) at the reception prior to Spirit of America in Charleston, SC in September 2011

after my promotion, thanking the crowd, my mom and MG Linnington
He says we met the day before my promotion before the cigar lounge, I don't remember, so I will start from the cigar lounge. 

 I don't remember connecting with anyone as easily and having as much of an indepth conversation with anyone so soon upon meeting.  We sat and talked about life, what we've been through and pretty much shared our life stories on a leather couch in Charleston, SC over cigars.  Initially, I was intrigued and interested in him as well as surprised by his openness, not a typical characteristic of any Infantryman. 
 I remember seeing him just before my promotion, he came to the reception area and congradulated me.  I had been congratualted by many people that day, I smiled, thanked them and made polite conversation, Matt's congratualtions was much more sincere down to his tone and the way he carried himself when he was speaking to me.  He had a cocky chip to his stance normally but not this time and not at the cigar lounge, he was sincere, tangible and humble, similar to his persona at the cigat lounge, and different from the way I saw him interact with others.  I was touched, humbled and a bit taken back by his sincerity with me.  I think it was this moment more than any other that struck me, in addition to the cigar lounge definitely but this interaction stuck with me more than any other over the weekend. 

Army v. Navy Football Game, I had been looking and asking for tickets for a long ass time...
FINALLY, I had two tickets and no date to the Army v. Navy football game.  Not just any two tickets, free tickets and great seats!!  I messaged a friend of mine on Facebook to get her ideas on what to do as far as a date goes, here are a few of the messages between Natalie and myself...
FYI: Army Navy game is 10 December
December 8, 2011
  • if you have someone to ask, ask them! is it a boy you might be interested? great experience, even if you don't know them too well!
  • BE BOLD AND BE BRAVE. What guy wouldn't think that is the coolest thing EVER?! You would seriously be "that girl" who is AWESOME.
  • oooooooh
    matthew is CUTE
    what's his story?
    other than he's a bruins fan
    which is okay, because at least we know he likes hockey
  • my gut tells me to invite matt
wow, she has great intuition!!!
  • yes, omg, how are you going to do it?!!?!?!?
    i am LOVING this
    this has great potential!!!!!
Wendy Byrd:
    i'm just going to FB message him.
    and hope he checks FB
I would find out later that the FB assumption was just a bit off.....
Natalie Goodman:
  • old guard is smokin' hot, too
    so he's aware of your existence, right?
    you're not a total stranger
Wendy Byrd:
  • i'm going to say, "are you working [the night of] the Army/Navy game? I randomly came into 2 box tickets and need an Army fan to go with me. Please say yes. Pardon the Randomness"
  • my hands are shaking LOL
Natalie Goodman:
  • did you send?!
  • asklfjalksjfkasdjlfjasdfsa
    you should friend him, too
    so you can mutually stalk each others profiles
asklfjalksjfkasdjlfjasdfsa = excitement 
 Wendy Byrd:
  • sending it now.............
    i included my phone #.... we'll see
    its good to have enabling friends!!! :)
  • He just accepted my friend request!!! Now waiting on a msg or email!!
Natalie Goodman:

  • askfjskladjfiajsdofa

 Wendy Byrd:
  • Same here. So I'm FB stalking him in the meantime.
  • Dad jumped on the tickets.
  • can't wait around for a boy
  • he accepted my friend request but didn't say anything about the the game so blah!
    maybe he can come to the Caps game
  • of course he gets back to me and accepts NOW!!!!!
Natalie Goodman:
  • i had a feeling that would happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you have less patience than i do!
    now what?
 Wendy Byrd:
  • dad trumps all (banging my head)
Natalie Goodman:
  • ha
    if you aren't second guessing yoursend then thats good
    would have been a cool first date though
    how do you explain no ticket now
  • he's down for the caps game though, right?
 Wendy Byrd:
  • YES!
    I'm so excited! I just can't HIIIIDE it
    being nervous/excited like this makes my palms sweat
that is real classy Wendy...
 Natalie Goodman:
  • haa exciting
    but now you have to wait to see him, right??
  • ask him if he wants to get a drink afterwards
I am currently messaging with Matt as I'm am messaging to Natalie...
 Wendy Byrd:
  • i aksed we'll see
    sweaty palms....
  • afterwards it is
    AND a rain check some other time
    AND dinner sometime next week...that might be the rain check i dunno... hmmmm lol
  • nope dinner and "the big rain check" are separate woop woop
  • oh shit i'm going to be all jittery tomorrow
tomorrow was the Army v Navy game and drinks afterwards...
At the Army NAvy game with my dad, such a great game, a loss but a great game regardless
I guess you could say the rest is history...but I'll tell the story either way. Part II soon...  

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