24 January 2012

Smitten, the intro...

MG Linnington, Alice Bell (my mom), ME, MAJ Tim Garland (MG Linnington's Aide) at the reception prior to Spirit of America in Charleston, SC in September 2011

after my promotion, thanking the crowd, my mom and MG Linnington
He says we met the day before my promotion before the cigar lounge, I don't remember, so I will start from the cigar lounge. 

 I don't remember connecting with anyone as easily and having as much of an indepth conversation with anyone so soon upon meeting.  We sat and talked about life, what we've been through and pretty much shared our life stories on a leather couch in Charleston, SC over cigars.  Initially, I was intrigued and interested in him as well as surprised by his openness, not a typical characteristic of any Infantryman. 

Week One Training: Running in Circles

I suppose running in circles is the general idea in a running program.  I think my running goes through stages, each run that is.
I talk to myself, well I think to myself.  I try very hard not to talk out loud to myself while I run... its a conscious decision and effort.  
In the beginning of my run I tell myself how strong I am, that I can accomplish anything and how today is a new day.  Today I am stronger than I was yesterday, I am a new person today, I can choose to do anything I want today.  I am more organized, more intelligent, more punctual and a better person than I was yesterday. 
Secondly, I organize my day.  Sociology; homework, study for the exam, print out the previous quizzes for review look over the discussion board posts.  Bio-Medical Ethics; exam is coming up, type up study sheets, look over terminology.  English; don't get ahead of myself, look over my research, take notes, make citations, narrow down on thesis.  Anatomy & Physiology; write research paper, ugh, decide on topic for research paper.  Pack clothes to go to FiremanDave's, leave the house by noon to take the Sociology exam.    I think by organizing my day I get out the jumbled and tangled thoughts that bind and and stress me out.  Planning it out lets me see how it can all be managed.
Next, scenery.  Finally I look up and look around me.  Its amazing what you miss when you only see the trail or path in front of you.  The trees are changing, the hills roll in front of me and the morning is clear and crisp.  Brr and my ears are cold.  Then its a blur for miles.  I don't feel my legs, I don't think about my day i just breathe and continue on.  

...and I am now officially registered for my first marathon.