21 February 2011

Breakfast Feast

FiremanDave, Ashleigh and I made breakfast this morning. It was a late night idea we had after consuming great sushi for dinner.
After the sushi we went to Wal-Mart for a movie and bacon.
We also ended up finding a football to throw down the aisles and over the rows of sporting goods.
Then we found bicycles. Bicycles were a hit and could have greatly increased our shopping time had we been there to buy more than bacon. FiremanDave and I proceeded in racing down aisles, playing chicken in the lanes and creating bike obstacle courses around fallen merchandise. Wal-Mart is a GREAT place. not only do they have fresh produce but where else can you buy everything for your life in one place?!

back to breakfast.
I was in charge of pancakes.  These are blackberry and blueberry pancakes, perfect circles!

Finished product.
 FiremanDave, being the man was in charge of crispy bacon.

Ashleigh took on the friend eggs, and this is our finished feast.  
I have to say this was one of our best breakfasts in a while.  Thank you FiremanDave and Ashleigh

49+/- Birthday Bash

my dad turned an unknown age yesterday. oh course any one can do the math but the mystery is great. Byrd Birthday Bashes are truly great events. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy. He was surrounded by beautiful women great beer and Irish music, thats hard to beat! Granted the women were all related to him in one way or another and the beer we were all drinking was on his tab... but nevertheless he couldn't have been happier.

Dad showing off his newly grown out beard and 'stache

Sally, his lovely wife planned an Irish pub party and let us all in on his super secret present, a new iPod Touch. Not only would he love it but it would free up her iPod Touch which he never seems to put down.

Regardless of all the 86'd items on the beer list, and the dinner menu, the absolutely terrible table service at dinner and the ear jerking live Irish music we had the best dinner ever. With $2 "Happy Birthday" hats and $6 glow stick necklaces we dolled up, laughed and sang along with the live music.

Dad and Sally sporting a lovely pink and blue glow necklace.
Me and dad, accessorized with hats and glow necklaces to show our cheer.
Julia and Ashleigh pre-dinner, post-presents

We all had a great time celebrating with dad and Sally on dad's 49 +/- birthday. Thank you for the party and the great company.

Happy Birthday Dad.

15 February 2011

Giving "the Gift of life" but less sappy

first of all I don't see my self having kids. Some people say that will change when I'm "with the right person who also wants kids" but I think I know best.

So why not donate my unused, unneeded, unwanted, neglected eggs, as I am certainly not needing them right now.

Why not. Why not donate my eggs, make a few bucks, give a couple the chance to have a child they wouldn't otherwise have.

I'm thinking about it. I'm thinking, who wouldn't want that beautiful baby to be theirs .
Come on. Look at me. I was about 18 months old in this picture and an ANGEL. I'd pay thousand of dollars to have that kid if I was a baby yearning lady. My family history is perfect, I have pretty great genes and well I'm not exactly the town idiot.

And of course $6,000+ a round doesn't seem to push me away.

The emotionally implications and draw backs.
"there could be a little Wendy walking around somewhere and you will never know it"

my mom told me once that even when we, my siblings and I (Byrd babies), were out with a sitter we could be identified and spotted from across the grocery store. If a baby as cute as I was is walking around with a happy mother who paid with blood, sweat, tears, heartache, time, money and not to mention child labor then I'd say she has earned the adorable little "wendy baby"

we'll see how the process goes, if I go through with it.